All articles on Devblog that focus on the ethnic group Roma. Several are outputs of projects in Bulgaria and Norway that were funded by the EEA and Norway Grants.
In the course of discussing a possible project partnership with a Polish NGO, to be submitted to the EEA and Norway Grants, I presented my views on the role of the Norwegian NGO CBNRM Networking, through focusing on transparency and trust.
Procrastination, that possibly universal trait of homo sapiens, deserves some comments. Indeed, it deserves to be decontextualized.
Kristiansand kommune vedtok å bevilge midler til en "sanitærbrakke" for Roma som oppholder seg i byen. Artikkelen argumenterer for at fokus og ressursbruk til Roma er feil prioritering av midler.
Liste over alle Devblog artikler som omhandler Agder, og mer konkret Kristiansand, sammen med korte omtaler og lenker.
A World Bank primary education project in Vietnam that I worked on during the mid-90s got me thinking. Was the project's bilingual education component a success?
Proverbs are an essential distillation of cultural knowledge, values, and mores, that is, of cultures writ large. They play a role in transmitting such values and mores within and between generations.
Oversikt over mange av de fjellturene jeg har vært med på, i Norge og utenlands, privat og i jobbsammenheng (flere finnes ikke bilder fra).
Overview of the several networking activities I have initiated, managed, and/or worked on, from the 1970s until the present time. Bckground and contextual information is provided.
Den privateforeningen "Klubselskabet Foreningen", populært kalt "Klubben", i Kristiansand, er en tradisjonell herreklubb etter engelsk mønster. Det er det etterhvert flere som reagerer på.